Equivalent definition of Kan fibration


Let $\Lambda^n_k$ be the $k$-th horn of the standard $n$-simplex $\Delta^n$, and let $Y$ be a simplicial set.

In Simplicial Homotopy Theory, pg. 10, we find that the coequalizer description of the horn implies a correspondence between

  • morphisms of simplicial sets $\Lambda^n_k\to Y$.
  • tuples $(y_0,\dots,\hat y_k,\dots,y_n)$ of $n-1$-simplices, such that $d_i(y_j) = d_{j-1}(y_i)$ if $i<j$, $j\neq k$.

In the next page, Kan fibrations are defined in the standard way, as morphisms $p:X\to Y$ with the RLP against horn inclusions $\Lambda^n_k\hookrightarrow \Delta^n$:

What I don't get is the following quote from the book:

The condition (defining Kan fibrations) amount to saying that if $(x_0,\dots,\hat x_k,\dots,x_n)$ is an $n$-tuple of $n-1$-simplices of $X$ such that $d_ix_j = d_{j-1}x_i$ if $i<j$, $j\neq k$, and there is an $n$-simplex $y$ of $Y$ such that $d_iy = p(x_i)$, then there is an $n$-simplex $x$ of $X$ such that $d_ix = x_i$, $i\neq k$, and such that $p(x) = y$.

It seems that this phrase is implicitly implying that

Precomposition of $\Lambda^n_k\to \Delta^n$ with an $n$-simplex $y:\Delta^n\to Y$ defines a horn $(y_0,\dots,\hat y_k,\dots,y_n)$ such that $d_iy = y_i$.

I can't see why this is true.
Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Via the correspondence mentioned in the answer, the inclusion $\Lambda^n_k\hookrightarrow\Delta^n$ is the $n$-tuple of $n-1$-simplices $$ (d_1(\iota),\dots,\hat d_k(\iota),\dots,d_n(\iota)), $$ where $\iota:\Delta^n_{n-1}\to\Delta^n_{n-1}$ is the identity.

The composite $\Lambda^n_k\hookrightarrow \Delta^n\xrightarrow{y} Y$ iteslf is an $n$-tuple of $n-1$-simplices in $Y$: $$ (y_1,\dots,\hat y_k,\dots,y_n), $$ From the discussion above this tuple is explicitly given by $$ (d_1(y),\dots,\hat d_k(y),\dots,d_n(y)), $$

The result $d_i y = y_i$ follows. Please correct me for any errors or imprecisions.