Equivalent condition to an operator $T$ on a complex Hilbert space being compact


Let $H$ be a complex Hilbert space and let $T:H\rightarrow H$ be a bounded linear map. The problem asks to show

$T$ is compact if and only if for any sequence $x_n$ weakly converging to $0$, $\langle Tx_n,x_n \rangle\rightarrow 0$.

While the forward implication seem to be relatively straightforward, I'm having trouble proving the reverse implication. By reflexivity of $H$ it suffices to show that $\langle Tx_n,x_n\rangle \rightarrow 0$ implies $\|Tx_n\|\rightarrow 0$. Also because the problem sort of suggests that something might be different for real Hilbert spaces, I tried using the polarization identity (but couldn't make it work). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

As pointed out in the comments, the fact that the Hilbert space is complex plays a crucial role: if $H$ is the space of real square summable sequences and $T$ is such that $T(e_{2k})=e_{2k+1}$ and $T(e_{2k+1})=-e_{2k}$, where $e_j$ is the element of $H$ whose coordinate $j$ is one and all the others are zero, then $\langle Tx,x\rangle=0$ is satisfied for all $x\in H$ but $T$ is not compact because $e_{2k}\to 0$ weakly but $(T(e_{2k}))_{k\geqslant 1}$ does not admit a strongly convergent sequence.

Suppose that $H$ is a complex Hilbert space and $T\colon H\to H$ is linear, bounded and such that $\langle Tz_n,z_n\rangle \to 0$ for each sequence $(z_n)$ weakly convergent to $0$ and let us show that $T$ is compact.

We first show that $\langle Tx_n,y_n\rangle \to 0$ for each sequences $(x_n)$ and $(y_n)$ weakly convergent to $0$. Let $(x_n)$ and $(y_n)$ be such sequences. By looking at $\langle T(x_n+iy_n),x_n+iy_n\rangle$, we can see that $\langle Tx_n,y_n\rangle-\langle Ty_n,x_n\rangle\to 0$. This is not yet enough to conclude. But looking at $\langle T(x_n+ y_n),x_n+ y_n\rangle$, we can see that $\langle Tx_n,y_n\rangle+\langle Ty_n,x_n\rangle\to 0$ hence $\langle Tx_n,y_n\rangle \to 0$.

Now, in order to show that $T$ is compact, let $(x_n)$ be a sequence which converges weakly to $0$ and let us show that $\lVert Tx_{k}\rVert \to 0$. We know that $Tx_k\to 0$ weakly in $H$ hence letting $y_k=Tx_k$ and applying the previous fact gives that $\langle Tx_k,Tx_k\rangle\to 0$, which concludes the proof.