Equivalence of the Two Definitions of Norm of Dual Space


The dual space of a normed linear space $V$ is the space of all linear bounded functional on $V$:

V^*:=\{f:V\to R\mid\text{$f$ is linear and bounded}\}

The norm of $V^*$ is defined as:
\|f\|=\sup_{\|u\| \leq 1} |f(u)| \tag{1}

Can you explain to me why (1) is equivalence to the definition:
\|f\|=\sup \frac{|f(u)|}{\|u\|}

I tried to work this out myself but I could only show the equivalence when the $\|u\| \leq 1$ in (1) is changed into $\|u\|=1$.

Best Answer

By linearity, $\frac{|f(u)|}{\|u\|} = |f(\frac{u}{\|u\|})|$ so that's one direction, that is (2) (the 2nd def) is $\leq (1)$. The other direction follows from the fact that if $\|u\|\leq 1$, then $|f(u)| \leq \frac{|f(u)|}{\|u\|}$

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