Equivalence of the LDL decomposition with an upper-triangular or lower-triangular matrix

cholesky decompositionlinear algebramatricesmatrix decomposition

I am aware that given a positive-definite matrix $A$ we can compute its LDL decomposition as:

$$ A = L D L^t $$

where $L$ is a lower unit triangular matrix and $D$ a diagonal matrix.

In this paper by (Tong et al., 2019), they write:

For an arbitrary positive-definite precision matrix $Ω$ , the modified Cholesky factorization can be written as

$$ Ω = T^t D^{−1} T $$

where $D$ is a diagonal matrix with positive diagonal entries, the modified Cholesky factor $T$ is a lower triangular matrix

In this formulation, the matrix $T$ is lower-triangular, so $T^t$ is upper-triangular. How can I obtain the matrices $T$ and $D^{-1}$ starting with a standard LDL decomposition of $Ω$? Is there a direct equivalence?

Best Answer

Yes, there is a direct equivalence. Let $K$ denote the matrix of $1$'s on the "perdiagonal", i.e. $$ K = \pmatrix{&&&1\\&&1\\&\cdots\\1}, $$ with the blank entries equal to zero. Note that $K = K^T = K^{-1}$, and that $M$ is upper triangular if and only if $KMK$ is lower triangular. In general, the change from $M$ to $KMK$ consists of reversing the order of both the rows and the columns of $M$.

Suppose that we want a decomposition of the form $\Omega = T^T D^{-1}T$. Begin by computing a decomposition $K\Omega K = L^TD_0 L$. We have $$ \begin{align} K\Omega K &= L^TD_0 L \implies\\ \Omega &= KL^TD_0 LK \\ & = KL^T(KK)D_0(KK)LK \\ & = (KL^TK)(KD_0K)(KLK) \\&= (KLK)^T (KD_0K)(KLK). \end{align} $$ Note that because $D_0$ is diagonal, $KD_0K$ is also diagonal (with its diagonal reverse relative to those of $D_0$). Taking $T = KLK$ and $D = (KD_0K)^{-1} = KD_0^{-1}K$, we have $\Omega = T^T D^{-1}T$, which is what we wanted.