Equivalence of categories not preserving injectivity or surjectivity


As far as I know, injectivity and surjectivity of a map are not categorical properties. Is example of equivalent (concrete) categories, for which these properties don't preserve known?

i.e. I am looking for categories $A,B$ s.t. the functors $F:A \rightarrow B$ and $G: B \rightarrow A$ give an equivalence of categories (i.e. $FG\cong 1_B$ and $GF\cong 1_A$) and some morphism $f$ in $A$ injective or surjective s.t. $F(f)$ is not injective or surjective.

Best Answer

Here is an minimal example satisfying both conditions at the same time, maybe not super interesting in itself but there we go.

Let $C$ and $D$ be two subcategories of the category of sets (so in particular they are concrete categories), defined by:

  • the objects of $C$ are $\{1\}$ and $\{2\}$, and the only morphisms are the identities, and the only map $\{1\}\to \{2\}$ (we do not take the map $\{2\}\to \{1\}$;

  • the objects of $D$ are $\{1,2\}$ and $\{3,4\}$, and the only morphisms are the identities, and the constant map $\{1,2\}\to \{3,4\}$ with value $4$.

Then those two categories are equivalent (they are both equivalent to the abstract category $\bullet\to \bullet$), but the non-identity map in $C$, which is a bijection, is sent to the map in $D$ which is neither injective nor surjective.