Equations involving particular values of the Dedekind psi function and powers of the kernel function

analytic-number-theoryasymptoticsdivisibilityelementary-number-theoryprime factorization

In this post we denote the Dedekind psi function as $\psi(m)$ for integers $m\geq 1$. As reference I add the Wikipedia Dedekind psi function, and [1]. One has the definition $\psi(1)=1$, and that the Dedekind psi function can be represented for a positive integer $m>1$ as $$\psi(m)=m\prod_{\substack{p\mid m\\p\text{ prime}}}\left(1+\frac{1}{p}\right).$$
On the other hand we denote the product of distinct primes dividing an integer $m>1$ as $\operatorname{rad}(m)$ see the Wikipedia Radical of an integer thus $$\operatorname{rad}(m)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid m\\p\text{ prime}}}p$$
that takes the value $1$ for $m=1$. Both functions are multiplicative.

I was inspired in [1] and [2] to state the following questions.

Question 1. I would like to know what work can be done about if the following equation (that is just an example of equation, look at next question)
have finitely many solutions, when $n$ runs over positive integers greater or equal than $1$. Many thanks.

As clarification in previous RHS the expression is a fourth power. As example $$\psi(648)=\psi(2^3\cdot 3^4)=2^3\cdot\frac{3}{2}\cdot3^4\cdot\frac{4}{3}=6^4,$$ and the solutions that I know are listed here $1,648,337500,8696754$.

I don't know how to approach the problem that I think that it is similar than a problem that was in the literature ([1]). I emphasize that I'm asking for what work or heuristics can be done to know if previous equation admits finitely many solutions (after some helpful answer I should to accept the answer).

Question 2. Let $k\geq 2$ be an integer, and for each fixed $k$ we consider the solutions $n\geq 1$ of the equation $$\psi(n)=(\operatorname{rad}(n))^k\tag{2}$$
(I've added the brackets just as a redundacy). Let $$N_k=\#\{n\geq 1:n\text{ solves }\psi(n)=\operatorname{rad}(n)^k\}.$$ I would like to know if it is possible to estimate roughly the size of $N_k$ in terms of $k$ or to get, roughly, some inequality involving some bound as below $$\text{a bound in terms of }k<N_k<\text{a bound in terms of }k.$$
Many thanks.

I'm not asking for a professional statement for the estimation of $N_k$, for $k\geq 2$, just some idea about the size of $N_k$ or some inequality deduced from some mathemaical reasonings or heuristics. For this question I was inspired in Theorem from [2].


[1] J. M. De Koninck, Proposed problem 10966, American Mathematical Monthly, 109 (2002), p. 759.

[2] J. M. De Koninck, F. Luca, and A. Sankaranarayanan, Positive Integers Whose Euler Function Is a Power of Their Kernel Function, Rocky Mountain J. Math. Vol. 36, No. 1 (2006), pp. 81-96.

[3] Tom M. Apostol, Introduction to analytic number theory, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, New York-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag (1976).

Best Answer

Added : I've just added a proof of another claim about an upper bound for $N_k$ at the end.

This answer proves the following claim :

Claim : $$ N_k=\begin{cases}2 &\text{$\quad $if $\ k=2$} \\\\4&\text{$\quad$if $\ k=3$}\\\\ 16&\text{$\quad$if $\ k=4$} \end{cases}$$

The only solutions are $$\begin{align}k=2& : n=1,2^13^2 \\\\ k=3 & : n=1,2^{2}3^{3},2^13^25^{4},2^13^117^{4} \\\\ k=4 & : n=1,2^{3}3^{4},2^{2}3^{3}5^5,2^{2}3^{2}17^5,2^{2}3^{1}53^5, \\&\qquad\quad 2^13^311^{5},2^{1}3^{1}107^5,2^13^15^{5}17^{5},2^13^25^{4}29^{5}, \\&\qquad\quad 2^13^15^{4}89^{5},2^13^{2}5^{3}149^{5},2^13^{1}5^{3}449^{5},2^13^{3}5^{1}1249^{5}, \\&\qquad\quad 2^13^{1}17^{4}101^{5},2^13^{2}17^{3}577^{5},2^13^{1}17^{3}1733^{5}\end{align}$$

Proof :

$n=1$ is a solution for $(2)$.

For an odd prime $p$, the numerator of $\frac{p+1}{p}$ is even. This implies that if $n$ is odd larger than $1$, then the equation $(2)$ does not hold. So, $n$ has to be even, and then $n$ has a prime factor $3$.

If $n=2^s3^t$ where $s,t\ge 1$, then $(2)\implies 2^{s+1}3^t=2^k3^k\implies n=2^{k-1}3^{k}$.

If $n=2^s3^t\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{e_j}$ where $p_1\lt p_2\lt\cdots\lt p_d$ are odd primes larger than $3$, and $d,s,t,e_j$ are positive integers. Then, $(2)$ is equivalent to

$$2^s3^t\bigg(\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{e_j}\bigg)\cdot\frac 32\cdot\frac 43\prod_{j=1}^{d}\bigg(1+\frac{1}{p_j}\bigg)=2^k3^k\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^k$$ which can be written as $$\prod_{j=1}^{d}(p_j+1)=2^{k-1-s}3^{k-t}\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{k+1-e_j}$$ where we have to have $s\le k-1, t\le k$ and $e_j\le k+1$.

Since LHS is divisible at least by $2^d$, we have to have $1\le d\le k-1-s\le k-2$ implying $k\ge 3$.

$k=2$ :

The only solutions are $n=1,2^13^2$, and so $N_2=2$.

$k=3$ :

$n=1,2^{2}3^{3}$ are solutions.

If $n=2^s3^t\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{e_j}$ where $p_1\lt p_2\lt\cdots\lt p_d$ are odd primes larger than $3$, and $d,s,t,e_j$ are positive integers. Then, the equation is equivalent to

$$\prod_{j=1}^{d}(p_j+1)=2^{2-s}3^{3-t}\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{4-e_j}$$ where we have to have $s\le 2, t\le 3$ and $e_j\le 4$.

Since LHS is divisible at least by $2^d$, we have to have $1\le d\le 2-s\le 1$ implying $d=1$ for which we have

$$p_1+1=2^{2-s}3^{3-t}p_1^{4-e_1}$$ Since $4-e_1=0$, we get $p_1=2^{2-s}3^{3-t}-1$ with $s=1$.

  • $2^{1}3^{1}-1=5$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^25^{4}$.

  • $2^{1}3^{2}-1=17$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^117^{4}$.

Therefore, it follows that $N_3=4$.

$k=4$ :

$n=1,2^{3}3^{4}$ are solutions.

If $n=2^s3^t\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{e_j}$ where $p_1\lt p_2\lt\cdots\lt p_d$ are odd primes larger than $3$, and $d,s,t,e_j$ are positive integers. Then, the equation is equivalent to

$$\prod_{j=1}^{d}(p_j+1)=2^{3-s}3^{4-t}\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{5-e_j}$$ where we have to have $s\le 3, t\le 4$ and $e_j\le 5$.

Since LHS is divisible at least by $2^d$, we have to have $1\le d\le 3-s\le 2$.

Case 1 : $d=1$


Since $5-e_1=0$, we have $p_1=2^{3-s}3^{4-t}-1$.

  • $2^{1}3^{1}-1=5$ is a prime, and $n=2^{2}3^{3}5^5$.

  • $2^{1}3^{2}-1=17$ is a prime, and $n=2^{2}3^{2}17^5$.

  • $2^{1}3^{3}-1=53$ is a prime, and $n=2^{2}3^{1}53^5$.

  • $2^{1}3^{4}-1=161$ is not a prime.

  • $2^{2}3^{1}-1=11$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^311^{5}$.

  • $2^{2}3^{2}-1=35$ is not a prime.

  • $2^{2}3^{3}-1=107$ is a prime, and $n=2^{1}3^{1}107^5$

  • $2^{2}3^{4}-1=323$ is not a prime.

Case 2 : $d=2$

Since $s=1$, we have $$(p_1+1)(p_2+1)=2^{2}3^{4-t}p_1^{5-e_1}p_2^{5-e_2}$$ Now, $5-e_2=0$, and there is a non-negative integer $a$ such that $$p_1+1=2^13^{a}\qquad\text{and}\qquad p_2+1=2^13^{4-t-a}p_1^{5-e_1}$$

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{2}5^{0}-1=17$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^15^{5}17^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}5^{1}-1=9$ is not a prime.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}5^{1}-1=29$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^25^{4}29^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{2}5^{1}-1=89$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^15^{4}89^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^13^{0}5^{2}-1=49$ is not a prime.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}5^{2}-1=149$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^{2}5^{3}149^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{2}5^{2}-1=449$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^{1}5^{3}449^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}5^{3}-1$ is not a prime with $3\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}5^{3}-1$ is not a prime with $7\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{2}5^{3}-1$ is not a prime with $13\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}5^{4}-1=1249$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^{3}5^{1}1249^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}5^{4}-1$ is not a prime with $23\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{1}-1=5$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{2}5^{4}-1$ is not a prime with $7\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}17^{1}-1=33$ is not a prime.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}17^{1}-1=101$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^{1}17^{4}101^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}17^{2}-1=577$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^{2}17^{3}577^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}17^{2}-1=1733$ is a prime, and $n=2^13^{1}17^{3}1733^{5}$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}17^{3}-1$ is not a prime with $5\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}17^{3}-1$ is not a prime with $7\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}17^{4}-1$ is not a prime with $7\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{2}-1=17$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{1}17^{4}-1$ is not a prime with $5\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{3}-1=53$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}53^{1}-1$ is not a prime with $5\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{3}-1=53$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}53^{2}-1$ is not a prime with $41\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{3}-1=53$ is a prime and $p_2=2^1 3^{0}53^{3}-1$ is not a prime with $3\mid p_2$.

  • $p_1=2^13^{3}-1=53$ is a prime and $p_2=2^13^{0}53^{4}-1$ is not a prime with $7\mid p_2$.

Therefore, it follows that $N_4=16$.

I'm going to prove the following claim about an upper bound for $N_k$.

Claim 2 : For $k\ge 5$, $$N_k\le 2+\sum_{d=1}^{k-2}(k-2)^d(k-1)k^{d+1}(k+1)^{\frac{d(d+1)}{2}}$$

Proof :

We already know that $n=1,n=2^{k-1}3^{k}$ are solutions.

If $n=2^s3^t\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{e_j}$ where $p_1\lt p_2\lt\cdots\lt p_d$ are odd primes larger than $3$, and $d,s,t,e_j$ are positive integers. Then, $(2)$ is equivalent to

$$\prod_{j=1}^{d}(p_j+1)=2^{k-1-s}3^{k-t}\prod_{j=1}^{d}p_j^{k+1-e_j}$$ where we have to have $s\le k-1, t\le k$ and $e_j\le k+1$.

Since LHS is divisible at least by $2^d$, we have to have $1\le d\le k-1-s\le k-2$ implying $k\ge 3$.

We can write $$\begin{cases}p_1+1&=2^{a_1}3^{b_1} \\\\ p_2+1&=2^{a_2}3^{b_2}p_1^{c(2,1)} \\\\ p_3+1&=2^{a_3}3^{b_3}p_1^{c(3,1)}p_2^{c(3,2)} \\\\\qquad\vdots \\\\p_d+1&=2^{a_d}3^{b_d}p_1^{c(d,1)}p_2^{c(d,2)}\cdots p_{d-1}^{c(d,d-1)}\end{cases}$$ where $1\le a_j\le k-2,0\le b_j\le k-1$ and $0\le c(j,i)\le k$.

The number of possible $p_1$ is at most $(k-2)k$.

For each $p_1$, the number of possible $p_2$ is at most $(k-2)k(k+1)$.

For each pair $(p_1,p_2)$, the number of possible $p_3$ is at most $(k-2)k(k+1)^2$.

So, we see that the number of possible $(p_1,p_2,\cdots,p_d)$ is at most $$\prod_{j=1}^{d}(k-2)k(k+1)^{j-1}$$

For each $(p_1,p_2,\cdots,p_d)$, the number of possible $n$ is at most $$(k-1)k(k+1)^d$$

Therefore, we get, for $k\ge 5$, $$\begin{align}N_k&\le 2+\sum_{d=1}^{k-2}(k-1)k(k+1)^d\prod_{j=1}^{d}(k-2)k(k+1)^{j-1} \\\\&=2+\sum_{d=1}^{k-2}(k-2)^d(k-1)k^{d+1}(k+1)^{\frac{d(d+1)}{2}}\end{align}$$