Epimorphisms in the category induced by a partially ordered set


This comment says that in the category of a partially ordered set, every arrow is an epi but no non-identity arrow has a right inverse.

My understanding is that the category in question is one where there is at most one arrow between any two objects, and there is an arrow $a\to b$ iff $a\le b$.

I'm having a trouble verifying the above claim (at least its second part).

For the first claim. Consider an arrow $f:a\to b$. To show it's an epi, we need to show that $hf=h'f\implies h=h'$ for all arrows $h,h':b\to c$. Well, suppose $h,h':b\to c$ are arrows such that $hf=h'f$. Since there is at most one arrow between $b$ and $c$, $h=h'$. This completes the proof. The assumption $hf=h'f$ is not even needed, right?

For the second claim. Suppose $f:a\to b$ is a non-identity arrow (this means $a\le b$). Assume it has a right inverse $r:b\to a$ (i.e., $b\le a$) for which $fr=1_b$ holds. What does it contradict to? I don't quite understand what statement $fr=1_b$ means in the language of $\le$.

Best Answer

In a partial order, if $a \leq b$ and $b \leq a$ then $a = b$ (this is antisymmetry). So it's impossible for there to be distinct elements with arrows in both directions (that would be a preorder). And of course, the unique arrow from an element to itself is the identity arrow.

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