Enumerating rooted forests/trees

combinatoricsgraph theorytrees

A rooted forest on $\{1,…,n\}$ is a forest together with a choice of a root in each component tree.
Let $F(n,k)$ be the set of all rooted forests that consist
of $k$ rooted trees.
Thus $F(n,1)$ is the set of all rooted trees.

Enumerate all elements of the set $F(3,1)$.
I think it should be only 3 as follows:

enter image description here

But the answer says 9.
Can someone enumerate those for me?

Best Answer

A rooted tree is a labeled tree where one of the vertices is chosen to be the root. You have listed all labeled trees, but have not chosen the root for each. There are three choices for the root for each of the three labeled trees, so there are $9$ rooted trees in $F(3,1)$. They look like this:

enter image description here