Empty set clarification

discrete mathematicselementary-set-theory

Is $∅ ∈ \{\{∅\}\}$ true or false?
I think it is false and my reasoning is this,

∅ is an element of a set of subset ∅

Since ∅ is an element of the set, it is therefore not an element of the subset inside the set. Am I right?

Is ∅ ⊄ {∅,1,2} true or false?
I think it is true and my reasoning is this,

∅ is not a subset of set ∅, 1, 2

∅ is an empty set therefore it is a subset of {∅, 1, 2}

Lastly, is it right to say that in any power set of X, ∅ will always either be ∈ or ⊆ of power set X?

Best Answer

The emptyset, which we'll denote $\varnothing$, is a subset of every set, and it is even a subset of the empty set itself.

$\varnothing \subset \{\{\varnothing\}\}$ but $\varnothing \notin \{\{\varnothing\}\}$. Our set has one single element, $\{\varnothing\}$, the set containing the emptyset, so $\varnothing$ is not an element of the initial set.

However $\{\varnothing\} \in \{\{\varnothing\}\}$.

And $\{\{\varnothing\}\} \subseteq \{\{\varnothing\}\}$.

In your second example, let's call $S= \{\varnothing, 1, 2\}$.

Then $\varnothing \subseteq S$, because the emptyset is a subset of every set. $\varnothing \in S$, as well, as it is an element of S. And $\{\varnothing\} \subseteq S$, just like $\{1, 2\} \subseteq S$.

So the powerset of S, the set containing all subsets of S is as follows:

$$\{\varnothing, \{\varnothing\}, \{\varnothing, 1,\}, \{\varnothing, 2\}, \{1\}, \{2\}, \{1, 2\}, \{\varnothing, 1, 2\}\}$$