Elementary number theory problem about finding a square number with digits with certain properties


Here's the problem I am working on:-

Find,showing your method, a six-digit integer n with the following properties:

$(1)$ $n$ is a perfect square

$(2)$ the number formed by the last three digits of $n$ is exactly one greater than the number formed by the first three digits of $n$. (Thus $n$ might look like $123124$; although, this is not a square.)"

Here's my approach:

Consider the first $3$ digits of $n$ as $x$

Now, $n=1000x+(x+1)$

Because $n$ is a perfect square,


Using the difference of two squares identity:


Now $1001=m+1$ as if $1001$ is $m-1$, then $1003=m+1=x$, and this is not possible since $x$ is a $3$-digit number.

Hence, $x=999$

Now, here the problem arises.

If $x=999$,
then the last $3$ digits should be $999+1=1000$ making the number:


However, this is a $7$ digit number, making the initial condition false.

Where did I go wrong?

Best Answer

Everything is fine upto


After that, you asume that it implies $$(m+1=1001 \land m-1 = x) \lor (m+1=x \land m-1=1001)$$

This is not true, for instance:

11*9=99=33*3, yet, we don't have 33=11 nor 9=3

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