Eigenvalues related to oblique projections


Let $P = P^2$ be a real (non-zero) projection matrix and define the matrix $M$ as
M = P + P^\top – P^\top P.

What choices of $P$ renders $M$ positive semidefinite?

If $P$ is symmetric (orthogonal projection), then $M = P$, which is positive semidefinite since each eigenvalue of $P$ is either $0$ or $1$. Are there examples of non-symmetric $P$ (oblique projection) for which $M \geq 0$?

In the $2 \times 2$ case I believe that symmetry is necessary. The most general form of non-symmetric projection matrix that I'm aware of is
P =
a & b \\
\frac{a(1-a)}{b} & 1-a

with $b \neq 0$. In this case, the eigenvalues of $M$ are given by
\lambda_1 = 1, \qquad \lambda_2 = -\frac{(a(a-1) + b^2)^2}{b^2}.

$M$ is consequently positive semi-definite only if $b = \pm \sqrt{a(1-a)}$, which ends up making $P$ symmetric after all.

Best Answer

$M\ge0$ only if $P$ is an orthogonal projection. Suppose $M\ge0$. Then for every $x\in\ker(P)$, we have $$ \|M^{1/2}x\|^2=x^\top Mx=x^\top(Px)+(x^\top P^\top)x-(x^\top P^\top)(Px)=0. $$ Therefore $M^{1/2}x=0$. In turn, $$ 0=Mx=(P+P^\top-P^\top P)x=P^\top x. $$ Thus $\ker(P)\subseteq\ker(P^\top)$. By interchanging the roles of $P$ and $P^\top$ in the previous argument, the reverse inclusion is also true. Hence $\ker(P)=\ker(P^\top)$. But then $\operatorname{ran}(P)=\ker(P^\top)^\perp=\ker(P)^\perp$, so that $P$ is an orthogonal projection.