Efficient way to find the remainder when $2001+ 2002+ 2003+ … + 2015+ 2016$ is divided by $2017$

elementary-number-theorymodular arithmetic

I can think of a couple of ways

  1. Notice that unit digit of the first $8$ terms can be added in the last $8$ terms to make them $2017$. Now add the first $8$ terms without their unit digits (i.e. $2000*8$) and find a remainder on that.
  2. Sum of AP series = $4017*8$, now find the remainder

But both would take a lot of computation.
Is there any more efficient way of doing it manually?

Best Answer

It's $-16-15-14-...-1=-16\times17/2=-8\times17=-136\equiv1881\bmod2017$.