Efficient way to calculate inverse and determinant of $I + XX^T$

determinantinverselinear algebramatricesnumerical methods


Let $A_{n \times n} = I_{n \times n} + XX^T$, where $X : n \times p$ matrix.

I would like to get the "computationally efficient"
form of the following:

  • $A^{-1}$
  • $\mathrm{det}(A)$

By "computational efficiency", I mean something that minimizes computer time complexity (e.g. LU decomposition of $XX^T$).


So using Woodbury matrix identity,

A^{-1} = (I + XX^T)^{-1} = I – X (I + X^T X)^{-1} X^T

but again

(I + X^T X)^{-1} = I – X^T(I + XX^T)^{-1} X

it gets circular.

And for the determinant, matrix determinant lemma,

\mathrm{det}(I_n + XX^T) = \mathrm{det}(I_p+X^TX)

but I'm not sure how to proceed.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Here is one approach.

  1. Determinant is product of eigenvalues.

  2. You can estimate singular values of $X$ : $\sigma_i$.

  3. Then eigenvalues of $XX^T$ will be squares of those singular values (and pad with zeros if needed).

Now determinant will be $\prod_i (1+{\sigma_i}^2)$ because of Brauer's theorem I think.

This will be efficient if $n$ and $p$ are of very different sizes because the number of non-zero singular values will be maximally the smallest of those. Singular values can be estimated with power method for example.

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