Each natural number is equal to the set of all natural numbers less than it


Please check my proof that each natural number is equal to the set of all natural numbers less than it.

Let $\mathbb N$ is the set of natural numbers by Von Neumann construction (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Natural_number#/Formal_definitions).

We define addition operator on $\mathbb N$ by setting $a + 0 = a$ and $a + S(b) = S(a + b)$ for all $a, b\in \mathbb N$. Hence, $S(a)=a+1=a\cup \{a\}$. We also define order $\leq$ as follows $$b\leq a\iff \exists c\in\mathbb N \text{ such that }b+c=a$$Hence $b<a\iff b\leq a$ and $b\neq a$.

Lemma: $m\leq n\iff m<n+1$

Let $T=\{n\in\mathbb N\mid m\leq n\iff m<n+1\}$. It's clear that $0\in T$. Assume that $n\in T$, then $m\leq n\iff m<n+1$ for all $m\in\mathbb N$. It's trivial that $p\leq n+1\implies p<n+2$. Now we prove the converse $p<n+2\implies p\leq n+1$.

If $p=0$, then $p<n+2\implies b\leq n+1$. If $p>0$, then $p=m+1$ for some $m\in\mathbb N$. Thus $p<n+2\implies m+1<n+2\iff m<n+1\implies m\leq n$ [Since $n\in T$] $\implies m+1\leq n+1\implies p\leq n+1$. Thus $n+1\in T$.

By principle of induction, the theorem is proved. $\Box$

Let $T=\{n\in\mathbb N\mid n=\{m\in\mathbb N\mid m<n\}\}$. It's clear that $0=\varnothing\in T$ by vacuity. Assume that $n\in T$, then $n=\{m\in\mathbb N\mid m<n\}$. Thus $n+1=n\cup \{n\}=\{m\in\mathbb N\mid m<n\}\cup \{n\}=
$ $\{m\in\mathbb N\mid m\leq n\}=\{m\in\mathbb N\mid m<n+1\}$ [By the Lemma]. Thus $n+1\in T$. By principle of induction, the theorem is proved. $\Box$

Best Answer

The proof itself seems right, but there is no need for induction for the lemma:

$m\le n\implies m<n+1$: either $m=n<n+1$ or $m<n<n+1$

$m\le n\impliedby m<n+1$: $$m<n+1\overset{def}{\iff}\exists c>0(m+c=n+1)\\\implies\exists c>0(m+c-1=n)\\\implies \exists k\ge 0(m+k=n)\overset{def}{\iff} m\le n$$