Dummit and Foote Abstract Algebra Proposition 4.1.1


I'm struggling to understand the following proposition from Dummit and Foote:

Proposition 1. For any group $G$ and any nonempty set $A$ there is a bijection between the actions of $G$ on $A$ and the homomorphisms of G into $S_A$

Here is how my understanding of the proposition:

  1. "The actions of $G$ on $A$" means $L = \{g \cdot A \mid g \in G\}$ where $g \cdot A = \{g \cdot a \mid a \in A\}$
  2. "The homomorphisms of G into $S_A$" means $M = \{h : G \to S_A \,|\, h(g_1g_2) = h(g_1)h(g_2)\}$

To show that there exists a bijection, I would have to show $|M| = |L|$. How do I show this (in the case that my understanding is correct)? I know I'm missing something obvious; Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

you can identify the set of the action of $G$ on $A$ with: $$\mathcal A=\{\phi:G\times A\rightarrow A| \;\phi(1,\cdot)=\text{Id},\;\; \phi(g_1g_2,a)=\phi(g_1,\phi(g_2,a))\}$$ and the other set with $M$.

Now the map $M \stackrel{F}{\rightarrow} \mathcal A$ defined by: $F(h)=\phi $ such that: $$\phi(g,a):=h(g)(a)\;\; \text{where}\;\; h(g)\in H$$

$\phi$ is an action because $h$ is a homomorphism. $F$ is obviusly injective.

For surjective: give an action $\phi$ we define a homomorphism $f\in H$ such that:

$$f(g)(a):=\phi(g,a)$$ Using the property of the element of $\mathcal A$ it's easy view that $f$ is a homomorphism and by construction $F(f)=\phi$.

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