$dudv$ in the metric tensor


In the definition of a $m$-dimensional Riemannian manifold $(M,G)$, if $(U;u^i)$ is a local coordinate system of $M$, the tensor field $G$ on $U$ can be written as
G = g_{ij}du^i\otimes du^j\;\tag{1}

I have seen in many places people write the "Riemann metric"
ds^2 = g_{ij}du^idu^j\;\tag{2}

For example, see this article on the first fundamental form and this one on metric tensors.

In the context of tensors, it is clear what $du^i\otimes du^j$ and $du^i\wedge du^j$ mean. Sometimes the wedge product is even omitted. I have also seen people define
dudv = \frac12(du\otimes dv+dv\otimes du)\;.\tag{3}

What is the correct meaning of $dudv$ in (2)? Is it the tensor product, wedge product, or the symmetrization?

Best Answer

It is exactly what you wrote in $(3)$. With this, we show that $g_{ij}\,{\rm d}u^i\otimes {\rm d}u^j = g_{ij}\,{\rm d}u^i\,{\rm d}u^j$ as follows: $$g_{ij}\,{\rm d}u^i\otimes\,{\rm d}u^j = \frac{1}{2}(g_{ij}\,{\rm d}u^i\otimes {\rm d}u^j + g_{ji}\,{\rm d}u^j\otimes {\rm d}u^i) = \frac{1}{2} g_{ij}({\rm d}u^i\otimes{\rm d}u^j+{\rm d}u^j\otimes {\rm d}u^i) = g_{ij}\,{\rm d}u^i\,{\rm d}u^j,$$where in the middle $=$ sign we factor out $g_{ji} = g_{ij}$.