Duals of Left-invariant Vector Fields closed


Suppose we have the Lie group $\text{SU}(2)$. Then its Lie algebra consists of the span $$X_1 =
0 & 1\\
1 & 0
\end{pmatrix}, \quad
X_2 =
0 & -\mathrm i\\
\mathrm i & 0
X_3 = \begin{pmatrix}
1 & 0\\
0 & -1
\end{pmatrix}.$$ Now, $e_i: g \mapsto L_g\vert_e(X_i) $ are left-invariant vector fields. Consider now the dual frame $e_1^*,e_2^*,e_3^*$. Are these 1-forms closed? If so, why? And even then, is it always the case for Lie groups?

Best Answer

The elements of the dual frame are not closed as one-forms. By definition, each of the functions $e_i^*(e_j)$ is constant. Hence looking at the definition of the exterior derivative, you see see that $de_i^*(e_j,e_k)=-e_i([e_j,e_k])$. This is just $-c^i_{jk}$, i.e. the negative of the usual structure constants of the Lie Algebra, which are characterized by $[X_j,X_k]=\sum_ic^i_{jk}X_i$. Otherwise put, the exterior derivative on left invariant forms restricts to a mam $\mathfrak g^*\to\bigwedge^2\mathfrak g^*$ which is the dual of the Lie bracket, viewed as a map $\bigwedge^2\mathfrak g\to\mathfrak g$.

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