Drive the CDF of random variable $Z$ define by $ Z=\frac{X_iX_j}{2X_i+X_j} $

conditional probabilityprobabilityprobability distributions

I am working in wireless communication and some times we use the PDFs and CDFs of random variables.

So I have read a paper and I found the derivation of CDF and PDF of random variable, but I did not understand the steps of the proof.

Let $X_1$ and $X_2$ two random variable with PDFs

i want to find the CDF of random variable $Z$ define by

Now the athours of paper use the following steps:

F_Z(z)=&\mathbb{P}\left\{Z\leq z\right\} \\
=&\mathbb{P}\left\{\frac{X_iX_j}{2X_i+X_j}\leq z\right\} \\
\stackrel{(a)}{=}&\int_{0}^{\infty}\mathbb{P}\left\{\frac{X_iX_j}{2X_i+X_j}\leq z|X_i\right\}f_{X_i}(X_i)dX_i\\
\stackrel{(b)}{=}& \int_{0}^{z}



My questions is are

Firs which low of probability is used in step (a)?.

Why hi divide integral in two range, from $0$ to $z$ and from $z$ to $\infty$

Finally please some detail on steps (b), (c) and (d).


Best Answer

A bit more detail on (b):

$$\frac{X_iX_j}{2X_i+X_j}\leq z \Leftrightarrow X_iX_j \leq 2zX_i+zX_j$$


$$X_iX_j \leq 2zX_i+zX_j \Leftrightarrow X_j(X_i-z) \leq 2zX_i \; .$$

Now, in the last step, you have two possible cases: $X_i>z$ or $X_i < z$. If $X_i < z$ then the inequality is trivially true (because the $X_i$ are positive r.v.) and thus has probability 1. Hence why you end up with (c). The other case gives you (d).

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