Draw vector: steepest direction on Plane

geometrylinear algebramultivariable-calculusvector-spacesvectors

The problem is, someone asked before Vector problem and steepest direction:

For any plane P which is not parallel to the x-y plane, define the steepest direction
on P to be the direction of any vector which lies in P and which makes the largest
(acute) angle with the x-y plane.

a) Let P be the plane through the origin with normal vector n. Derive a formula, in
terms of n, for a vector w which points in the steepest direction on P

And the answer enter image description here

my drawing hereenter image description here

If $\vec{w}$ is what I draw in the paper, that would be $w=k\times n$, I don't know why the answer gives one more cross-product.

Best Answer

$\vec{k} \times \vec{n}$ is a vector that sits in both the $x$-$y$ plane and $\mathscr{P}$, because it is normal to the normal of both planes. This means that its angle to the $x$-$y$ is always $0$, so this doesn't work.

In your drawing, it's not clear how $\vec{w}$ is defined, as it depends on how you crop the plane into the picture. Drawing both planes, their intersections and the vectors $\vec{k}$ and $\vec{n}$ coming out of the origin probably helps to visualise.

Intuitively you want a vector that's in $\mathscr{P}$ and points as 'far away' from the $x$-$y$ plane as possible, and this is achieved by being normal to the line where the $x$-$y$ plane and $\mathscr{P}$ intersect. The vector $\vec{k} \times \vec{n}$ runs along that line. So $\vec{w}$ needs to be in $\mathscr{P}$ (i.e. it is normal to $\vec{n}$) and normal to $\vec{k} \times \vec{n}$, and so $\vec{w}=\vec{n} \times (\vec{k} \times \vec{n})$ does the job.