Dot product of two linearly dependant vectors

linear algebra

What does the dot product of two vectors, say $\mathbf a$ and $\mathbf b$, where one is a scaled version of the other represent? If we think in terms of projection then shouldn't the projection equal the length smaller vector? But $ \mathbf a\cdot
\mathbf b $
does not equal $ \mathbf a\cdot \mathbf a $ , if we project the longer to the shorter or shorter to the longer, shouldn't this be true?

Best Answer

Please take into account that the "projection intuition" only works when vector are unit-length. For example, $(\frac{\sqrt2}{2}, \frac{\sqrt2}{2})$ has the same projection on $(1,0)$ than on $(20, 0)$ but yet the dot products with each of them are different. There is a scale-dependency

So, the dot product of two parallel vectors is just the product of their lengths, as can easily be checked. For example, let $(x, y)$ and $(\lambda x, \lambda y)$ be two arbitrary parallel vectors (we'll stick to the 2D-plain, but it's the same story in higher dimensions)

  • The product of their lengths is just $||x||\cdot||y|| = \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{(\lambda x)^2 + (\lambda y)^2} = \lambda \sqrt{x^2+y^2}^2 = \lambda ||x||^2$
  • Their dot product is $\lambda x^2 + \lambda y^2= \lambda ||x||^2$