Linear Algebra – Dot Product Between Two Vectors and Independence from Reference Frame

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I found in the equation (2) here the dot product between two vectors and the author said that it is independent from the reference frame.
What does it mean in this particular case?

The notation is: $x^i_j$ where x is the unit vector of the frame j when written in terms of the fram i.


$$x_1 . x_0 = x^1_1 . x_0^0 = x_1^0 . x_0^0 = x_1^1 . x_0^1 = x_1^1 . x_0^0$$

Can you show me the meaning of the above sentence by starting from the dot product $x_1 . x_0$ please?

Thank you so much in advance.

Best Answer

Say you and I are at the same position in space but I am standing upside down, then any vector you see as $(x,y,z)$ I see as $(x,y,-z)$. It is the same vector but in different reference frames. The dot product has a physical meaning, so when you take 2 vectors and apply the dot product you should get the same result I would get taking the same 2 vectors (but standing on my head). In this example it is quite obvious to prove this:

If you have two vectors $(x_1 ,y_1 , z_1) , (x_2 , y_2 , z_2)$ so I will see them as $(x_1 ,y_1 , -z_1) , (x_2 , y_2 , -z_2) $ and it is easy to see that we both "measure" the same dot product because in the multiplication of the z coordinates the minuses will cancel out.

This is also true for someone tilting his head - the coordinates of vectors will maybe messed up but for any two vectors, $u\cdot v$ is invariant for any reference frame.

The physical meaning of the dot product is $u\cdot v = |u| |v| \cos \alpha $ where $|u|,|v|$ is the length of the vectors (which doesn't depend on reference frame) and $\alpha$ is the angle between them - again, something that doesn't change.