Domain of composition of functions


I'm teaching a precalculus course and was wanting to let my students try to solve the following problem. If

f(x)=\sqrt{x}, g(x)=\frac{x}{x-1},h(x)=\sqrt[3]{x}

Find the domain of

$$f\circ g\circ h

We have the following.

(f\circ g\circ h)(x)=f(g(\sqrt[3]{x}))=f(\frac{\sqrt[3]{x}}{\sqrt[3]{x}-1})=\sqrt{\frac{\sqrt[3]{x}}{\sqrt[3]{x}-1}}

Here is where things get interesting. To find the domain of this function, I need to find where


And this happens when the numerator and denominator have the same sign. Solving the inequality gives me that 0 and 1 are critical points, so I have the following intervals to test for the domain


Testing points in each interval shows that only the middle interval doesn't satisfy the inequality. Thus, the domain of the composition is


However, when I double check this with Wolframalpha and with Symbolab, they both tell me the domain is


I have double checked my work, and even just blindly inputting test values such as -1 gives me a valid output, so I'm wondering what is going on? On Desmos, I graphed the function and it did include the negative portion of the domain. The only thing I can think of is maybe the other sites are simplifying the expression to get


and maybe they are hesitant to input negative values into the 6th root. However, if you do this, the complex numbers end up cancelling and you get a real numbered answer.

Any ideas on what is going on?

Best Answer

The fact is that Wolfram assumes the domain $x\ge 0$ for the function $\sqrt[3] x$ even if for $x \in \mathbb{R}$ the function is well defined on the whole domain.