Does this group with prime order elements exist


Does there exist a group such that each non trivial element has prime order and for each prime $p$ exactly $p-1$ elements are there with order $p$? Such group say $G,$ if exist is obviously infinite. By definition it contains a unique subgroup of each prime order. The group has to be non abelian, in fact the center must be trivial. This is because, if $ab = ba$ and if $a$ has order $p$ and $b$ has order $q$ where $p \ne q$ then $ab$ has order $pq$ which is not possible.

Best Answer

I do not think this can be realized: if $M$ is the unique subgroup order $p$ and $N$ the unique one of order $q$, with $p,q$ different primes, then these are normal subgroups. Obviously $M \cap N=1$, whence $MN \cong M \times N \cong C_{pq}$ and this subgroup of $G$ contains non-trivial elements of non-prime order ...