Does there exist a non-trivial Fourier series which converges pointwise everywhere to the zero function

fourier analysisfourier series

Suppose we are given an arbitrary two-sided sequence of complex numbers, say ${a_n}$. After forming the formal Fourier series $\sum_{n=-\infty} ^{\infty} a_n e^{inx}=a_0 + \sum_{n=1} ^{\infty} (a_n e^{inx} + a_{-n} e^{-inx} )$, suppose the series converges to zero for all x in $\mathbb{R}$. Then can we say that every ${a_n}$ is actually zero?
Here, the convergence is pointwise.

If there is a counterexample for the above question, can we impose some conditions on the prescribed sequence ${a_n}$ (e.g. it is in $l^2$) so that the abovementioned property holds?

Best Answer

This a uniqueness result due to Cantor. You can find a proof in this article by J. Marshal Ash.