Does the summation symbol imply precedence over multiplication



$$a\sum_{n=1}^N x_n$$ mean $$a(x_1 + x_2 + x_3 … + x_N)$$ or $$a * x_1 + x_2 + x_3 … + x_N$$

Edit: So apparently the first option is the correct one, but why? Multiplication has precedence over summation, right?

Best Answer

You can't get it wrong with a multiplication on the left, the sum is taken as a whole and clearly

$$a\sum b_i=a\left(\sum b_i\right).$$

Malicious guy could tell you that there is ambiguity in

$$\sum a_i\ b$$ which could be interpreted as

$$\left(\sum a_i\right)b$$

or $$\sum \left(a_i\ b\right)$$

but by the distributivity law, these are equivalent.

Different is

$$\sum a_i+b$$ which could be understood as

$$\left(\sum a_i\right)+b$$ or $$\sum\left(a_i+b\right).$$

Without parenthesis, the first interpretation holds.

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