Does the embedding of the Kleisli category of a monad into its Eilenberg-Moore category have a right adjoint


Let $(T,m,e)$ be a monad on a category $\mathcal{A}$. There is a full and faithful functor $J_T$ from the Kleisli category $\operatorname{Kl}(T)$ of $T$ to its Eilenberg-Moore category $\operatorname{EM}(T)$ defined by $J_T(X)=(T(X),m_X)$ on objects and sending a morphism $s:X \rightarrow Y$ in $\operatorname{Kl}(T)$ (i.e. $s$ goes from $X$ to $T(Y)$ as a morphism in $\mathcal{A}$) to $m_Y\circ T(s)$ (here the composition is in $\mathcal{A}$).

My question is whether such functor $J_T$ has a right adjoint.

Best Answer

Since every algebra is a coequalizer of free algebras, if $J$ is a left adjoint and the Eilenberg-Moore category is cocomplete, then $J$ is an equivalence. This follows from the fact that coreflective subcategories of cocomplete categories are closed under colimits. It is very common for the Eilenberg-Moore category to be cocomplete-for instance it suffices that $\mathcal A$ be locally presentable and $T$ preserve sufficiently filtered colimits, or that every epimorphism splits in $\mathcal A$, such as for sets.

EDIT: As Arnaud points out, cocompleteness is not necessary here-the canonical coequalizer in the EM category will be reflected back into the Kleisli category whether or not other colimits exist. So it’s necessary and sufficient that $J$ be an equivalence.

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