Does the base 32 numeral system have a name? (base 8 = octal, base 10 = decimal, base 16 = hexadecimal)


Apologies in advance if this is a silly question, but I was curious if the base 32 numeral system has a "name" in the same way that several other numeral systems do.

  • Base 8: Octal
  • Base 10: Decimal
  • Base 16: Hexadecimal
  • Base 32: ?

I was unable to find an answer on my own, so whatever the answer is, I assume it's not in general use.

Best Answer

I believe it would be called duotrigesimal. The reasoning behind this is that, for example, base 12 is duodecimal, the name for the tens digit with the ones digit tacked on at the front. As base 30 is known as trigesimal, I assumed that similar logic could be made.

For further research regarding the names of different bases, this website is most helpful:

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