Does swapping a pair of edges of a graph reduce its chromatic number

coloringgraph theory

Let $G$ be a graph with chromatic number $n$ with no proper subgraph of $G$ having chromatic number $n$. Let $u, v, w\in V(G)$ be such that $uv\in E(G)$ and $uw\not\in E(G)$. The graph $G'$ is obtained by removing the $uv$ edge from and adding the $uw$ edge to $G$. Is it true that the chromatic number of $G'$ must be $n-1$?

I know that the statement is true iff there is a coloring of $G$ without the $uv$ edge (that has chromatic number $n-1$) in which the vertices $u$ and $w$ have different colors, but I was not able to make progress from that point.

Best Answer

A counterexample is given by the five-cycle $a-b-c-d-e-a$. Its chromatic number is three. It is minimal in that if you remove any edge the chromatic number goes down to two. But if you remove $a-b$ and put in $a-d$ then the chromatic number remains three.