Does Ricci flow preserve symmetries


What does the following sentence mean: (see p.66 The Ricci Flow in Riemannian Geometry By Ben Andrews, Christopher Hopper)

The Ricci flow preserves any symmetries that are present in the initial metric.

What I understand is ${\rm Isom}(g_0)={\rm Isom}(g_t)$ $\forall t$. or ${\rm Isom}(g_0)\leq{\rm Isom}(g_t)$ $\forall t$.

How to prove that? or any reference containing proof?

Best Answer

The correct interpretation is indeed that $\def\isom{\operatorname{Isom}}\isom(g_0)\subseteq \isom(g_t)$ for all $t,$ i.e. that if $\phi$ is an isometry of $g_0$ then it is an isometry of every $g_t.$ This is a simple consequence of the isometry-invariance of the Ricci tensor: since $$\def\rc{\operatorname{Ric}}\rc_{\phi^*g} = \phi^* \rc_g$$ for any isometry $\phi$, the defining equation $\partial_t g_t = -2 \rc_{g_t}$ implies $$\partial_t (\phi^* g_t) = \phi^*(\partial_t g_t)=\phi^*(-2\rc_{g_t}) = -2\rc_{\phi^*g_t};$$ i.e. $\phi^* g_t$ is also a solution of the Ricci flow. Since $\phi$ is an isometry of $g_0$, these two Ricci flows have the same initial condition $\phi^*g_0 = g_0,$ so by uniqueness they must be equal for all time, i.e. $\phi^* g_t = g_t.$

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