Does Muirhead’s Also Work on Cyclic Inequalities


So I am trying to learn how to solve inequalities, and came across the following in one of the problems I was trying to solve:

$\frac{b^3}{a}$+$\frac{c^3}{b}$+$\frac{d^3}{c}$+$\frac{a^3}{d}\geq ab+bc+cd+da$

After multiplying both sides by $abcd$, I get

$b^4cd+c^4da+d^4ab+a^4bc\geq a^2b^2cd+b^2c^2da+c^2d^2ab+d^2a^2bc$

I know (4,1,1,0) majorizes (2,2,1,1), so I want to apply Muirhead's, but these are cyclic sums, not symmetric sums… can I still apply Muirhead's or do I have to do it a different way?

Best Answer

Muirhead doesn't work, because it is wrong in general for cyclical sums. However, my suggested approach in the comments does work:

For any $\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta\ge0$ with $\alpha+\beta+\gamma+\delta>0$,

$$\alpha a^4 b c+\beta b^4 c d+\gamma c^4 d a+\delta d^4 a b\ge(\alpha+\beta+\gamma+\delta)\cdot\sqrt[\alpha+\beta+\gamma+\delta]{a^{4\alpha+\gamma+\delta}b^{4\beta+\delta+\alpha}c^{4\gamma+\alpha+\beta}d^{4\delta+\beta+\gamma}}$$

by weighted AM-GM.

Choose $(\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta)=(9,7,1,3)$ (I got this by solving a linear equation system, feel free to ask me to elaborate; I am a bit in a rush at the moment) to get

$$9a^4 bc+7 b^4 c d+c^4da+3d^4 a b\geq20 a^2b^2cd.$$

Permuting $(\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta)$ cyclically around $(9,7,1,3)$ gives you analogous inequalities. Adding them up yields $$20 a^4bc+20 b^4cd+20 c^4da+20 d^4ab\geq 20a^2b^2cd+20b^2c^2da+20c^2d^2ab+20d^2a^2bc,$$ which is exactly what you want.