Does modal logic have truth tables


I'm new to modal logic.

We have truth tables for operators in propositional logic. For example, for $\neg P$, we have:

P & \neg P \\ \hline
\text{T} & \text{F} \\ \hline
\text{F} & \text{T} \\ \hline

And the same for other operators. Now I'm curious to know if we have truth tables for modal operators in modal logic as well? For example, is it possible to draw a truth table for $\Box P$ or $\Diamond P$ or $\Box(P\to Q)$?

Best Answer

No. Modal operators are not truth-functional, that is, it is not possible to compute the truth value of a formula with a modal operator from the truth values of the component formulas alone. So it is not possible to write the semantics down in a table format.

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