Does $\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{3^n+5^n}{(-2)^n+7^n}$ exist


My textbook says that this limit doesn't exist, but I don't understand – why? I tried calculating it by taking from both numerator and denominator factors that diverge to $\infty$ the fastest:

$$\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{3^n+5^n}{(-2)^n+7^n}= \lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{5^n}{7^n}=0$$

Did I do something wrong here?

Best Answer

Your result is correct but the way is not so much clear.

To solve properly we can observe that

$$\frac{3^n+5^n}{2^n+7^n}\le \frac{3^n+5^n}{(-2)^n+7^n}\le \frac{3^n+5^n}{-(2^n)+7^n}$$

and refer to squeeze theorem or more simply dividing by the by leading term $7^n$
