Does $\int_a^bf^p=0$ imply $\int_a^bf=0$


Let $f:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}$ be a nonnegative Riemann integrable function. If $\int_a^bf^p=0$ for some $p>0$, is it true that $\int_a^bf=0$ ? It is obviously true if $p=1$, and the Hölder's inequality
implies that it is true if $p>1$. But what if $0<p<1$ ?
I would prefer a solution which does not use Lebesgue integral or measure zero sets if possible, please.

Best Answer

Suppose $ 0<p<1$. Let $M=\sup \{f(x): a \leq x \leq b\}$. Let $g=\frac f M$. Then $\int g^{p}=0$ and $0\leq g \leq 1$. Hence $0 \leq g \leq g^{p}$ which gives $0\leq \int g \leq \int g^{p}=0$ which gives $\int g=0$. This implies $\int f=0$.