Does $\exp(f(x)) = e^{f(x)}$


I've rarely seen the notation $\exp(f(x))$ but whenever I do I just replace it with $e^{f(x)}$. Is this correct, or do these mean something different? Also, in computer science, should these be replaced rather with $2^{f(x)}$ since the base mostly considered is $2$?

Best Answer

Is this correct, or do these mean something different?

Yes, it is correct.

And yes, it is different — typographically. If the exponent gets complicated, typesetting the exponent can result in tiny symbols that might be hard to read. Using $\exp$ makes the exponent "one level" bigger. Using notation $e^x$ is preferred, IMHO, for simple exponents because it is shorter and needs less parenthesis.

Also, in computer science, should these be replaced rather with $2^{f(x)}$ since the base mostly considered is $2$?

No, of course not. Some math libs provide functions like $\operatorname{exp2}$ and $\operatorname{exp10}$ for bases 2 and 10, respectively, but $\exp$ is still base $e$.

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