Does every permutation, which is not an $n$-cycle, commute with some transposition


This question addresses how many permutations $σ∈S_n$ commute with a given transposition $(i \space j)$. What about the other way around, namely: How many transpositions $(i \space j)$ commute with a given permutation $σ∈S_n$? I know that if $\sigma$ in as $n$-cycle, then this number is zero (no one transpostition commutes with an $n$-cycle). I'm not particularly interested in the exact number, but rather

if it is nonzero for every permutation which is not an $n$-cycle.

Best Answer

$(123)(456)$ does not commute with any transpositions in $S_6$. It suffices to notice that:

$$ (123)(456)(12)=(13)(456)\\ (12)(123)(456)=(23)(456) $$

$$ (123)(456)(14)=(156423)\\ (14)(123)(456)=(123456) $$

and any transposition in $S_6$ will either have two elements in common with one of the two 3-cycles or one element in common with each, and so will behave analogously to one of the two above.

In general, a transposition $(ij)$ will commute with a permutation $\sigma$ if and only if one of the following two things is true:

  • $i$ and $j$ are fixed points of $\sigma$, or
  • the transposition $(ij)$ appears in the cycle structure of $\sigma$.
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