Does Cauchy-Schwartz inequality work for matrix norms


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We all know that Cauchy-Schwartz inequality works for vector inner product. Also, it works for the matrix innner product. Specifically, the following is the relation between matrix inner product and matrix norms

when $A=cB$, the equality holds. The definition of inner product for matrices is

If the LHS of (1) is replaced by induced matrix norms and matrix product, does the Cauchy Schwartz inequality still work, like the following induced $L_2$-norm(also known as, spectral norm)
\|AB\|_2^2\le \|A\|_2^2 \|B\|_2^2

where $\|A\|_2=\sup_{u\neq0}\frac{\|Au\|_2}{\|u\|_2}$. Since $\|A\|_2=\max\{\text{eig(A)}\}=\lambda_{\text{max}}(A)$, if (3) holds, it would imply the following inequality
\lambda_{\text{max}}(AB)^2\le \lambda_{\text{max}}(A)^2\lambda_{\text{max}}(B)^2

Best Answer

Those types of norms are called submultiplicative. Not every norm is submultiplicative, but every operator norm is.

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