Does Analysis Courses count as calculus


I am planning to apply for a Grad program in “transportation engineering” which requires the following:

  • 1 year of college-level calculus
  • 1 semester of elementary linear algebra

Now, I have taken the following courses in my undergraduate:

  • Analysis & Linear Algebra – 1
  • Analysis & Linear Algebra – 2
  • Real Analysis
  • Linear Algebra

The first two are introductory courses whereas the next two are advanced courses. Does these count as “1 year of calculus”?

Best Answer

Perhaps oddly, the apparently high-quality mathematics you studied (which surely helps serious understanding...) is not quite the same thing as facility with operational manipulation of those ideas, in computational and heuristic settings. A "calculus course" would entail lots of computational examples, which you might not see in a more serious course.

One analogue would be that a person studying "number theory" could conceivably fail to be acquainted with the multiplication table up to 15-times-15, etc.

So, bottom line, facility with basic-and-computational things is what you'll need. Nevertheless, the people looking at your application will almost surely imagine that a fancier version of calculus completely subsumes a more basic version. That's not at all necessarily true... but... :)

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