Do we ever use etale coherent sheaves


In my experience with algebraic geometry we are interested in either

  1. Coherent sheaves with the Zariski topology (for geometry)
  2. Abelian group or sets or groupoid sheaves with the etale topology (respectively useful for arithmetic geometry and moduli spaces)

How come we're not interested in etale coherent sheaves; by which I mean using the etale cohomology (Say big site) s.t on a scheme $X$, the sheaf is a $\Gamma(X)$ module (i.e similiar to the Zariski topology).

Best Answer

Studying coherent sheaves on the small étale site of a scheme $S$ is not tremendously interesting: according to Proposition 35.8.9 [03DX] of The Stacks Project, there is a natural functor which gives an equivalence of categories between the category of quasi-coherent sheaves on $S$ and the category of quasi-coherent $\mathcal{O}$-modules on the small étale site of $S$.

On the other hand, once you go deeper down the rabbit hole and start considering sheaves on stacks, the étale site reappears. For example, one can define quasi-coherent sheaves on a Deligne-Mumford stack by descending quasi coherent sheaves from its étale presentation by a scheme.

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