Do the rings $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ or $\mathbb{Q}[x]$ have a quotient isomorphic to the field with 9 elements


This is a question from an old algebra qualifying exam.

(a) Prove or disprove the ring $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ has a quotient isomorphic to the field with 9 elements.

(b) Prove or disprove the ring $\mathbb{Q}[x]$ has a quotient isomorphic to the field with 9 elements.

I know you need some maximal ideal I in the ring $R = \mathbb{Z}[x]$ or $R = \mathbb{Q}[x]$ in order for the quotient $R/I$ to be a field. I also know that $3\mathbb{Z}[x]$ is a maximal ideal in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$. I also know that the only maximal ideal in $\mathbb{Q}$ is $(0)$. So, I think you can only produce a quotient isomorphic to a field with 9 elements using the ring $\mathbb{Z}[x]$. That is the only information I have so far. Is this the right direction? Do you have a suggestion for an ideal I should consider?

Please note that I have only learned about rings up to irreducibility criteria. We have not covered field extensions, nor are we expected to know it for this exam.


Best Answer

In (a), consider the ideal $(3, x^2 + 1)$ in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$. The quotient ring $$\frac{\mathbb{Z}[x]}{(3,x^2 + 1)} \simeq \frac{\mathbb{F_3}[x]}{(x^2 + 1)}$$ Since $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible over $\mathbb{F}_3$, the quotient ring is a field. Every element of $\mathbb{F}_3[x]/(x^2 + 1)$ has a unique representative of the form $a + bx$ where $a,b\in \mathbb{F}_3$. It follows that this field has nine elements.

As for (b), there is no such quotient. Otherwise, let $K$ be the quotient. Composing the canonical projection map $\mathbb{Q}[x] \to K$ with the inclusion map $\mathbb{Q}\to \mathbb{Q}[x]$, we obtain a nontrivial ring homomorphism $\phi:\mathbb{Q} \to K$. If $\phi(q) = 0$ for some nonzero $q\in \mathbb{Q}$, then $1 = \phi(1) = \phi(q)\phi(q^{-1}) = 0$, a contradiction. Hence $\phi$ is injective. It follows from the first isomorphism theorem that $K$ contains a subring isomorphic to $\mathbb{Q}$, contradicting the fact that $K$ is finite.

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