Do the ordered field axioms uniquely characterise the positive real numbers


Suppose we define the real numbers as an ordered field satisfying the least upper bound property. Is there only one set $\mathbf E$ that satisfies the axioms listed below?

  • For all $x\in\mathbb R$, exactly one of the following holds: $x=0$, or $x\in \mathbf E$, or $-x\in\mathbf E$.
  • If $a\in\mathbf E$ and $b\in\mathbf E$, then $a + b\in\mathbf E$.
  • If $a\in\mathbf E$ and $b\in\mathbf E$, then $a \cdot b\in\mathbf E$.

I'm interested in defining the real numbers axiomatically. It is common to state the properties of the positive real numbers as above, but I have never seen a proof that the above axioms uniquely characterise the positive real numbers. (Perhaps this is because they don't. If this is the case, then I would be interested in learning about an additional property that would uniquely characterise the set of positive reals.)

Best Answer

For $x>0$ define $\sqrt{x}$ to be the least upper bound of the set $\{y|y^2\leq x\}$.

Suppose we have a set $E$ satisfying your axioms.

If $x>0$ then $$x=(\sqrt{x})(\sqrt{x})=(-\sqrt{x})(-\sqrt{x}).$$
Either $ \sqrt{x}\in E$ or $-\sqrt{x}\in E$ so either way $x\in E$.

Conversely if $x<0$ then $-x\in E$ so $x\notin E$.

Thus $E$ is just the positive reals.