Do the homotopy groups of a space determine the homotopy groups of its suspension


I am trying to work out an answer to my latest question

I know that there is not a known formula for the homotopy groups of the suspension in terms of the homotopy groups of the space being suspended (e.g. spheres), but I would like to know if the homotopy groups of $X$ determine the homotopy groups of $SX$.

I suspect it is not the case, but no examples come to mind.

Best Answer

I have come up with a counterexample:

$S^2$ and $S^3 \times \mathbb{C}P ^\infty$ have the same homotopy groups, but their suspensions don’t since $\pi_7 (S^3)$ is torsion but $\pi_7(S(S^3 \times \mathbb{C}P ^\infty))$ contains an infinite element since $\pi_7(S^4)$ is not torsion.