Do subobjects in concrete categories correspond to subsets


A concrete category is a category $C$ endowed with a faithful functor $U:C\rightarrow Set$. And if $a$ is an object in $C$, then a subobject of $a$ is an isomorphism class of monomorphisms with codomain $a$.

I’m wondering if subobjects can be related to subsets using $U$. My question is, given a subobject of $a$, does there always exist a monomorphism $f$ in the subobject such that $U(f)$ is an inclusion map from a subset of $U(a)$ to $U(a)$?

If not, does anyone know of a counterexample?

Best Answer

Consider the full subcategory $C$ of Set on exactly two objects: the natural numbers and the singleton set $b$ whose element is my coffee mug (if you prefer, let $b=\{\pi\}$.) $C$ comes equipped with the obvious forgetful functor $U$ which is just the inclusion. There are infinitely many distinct ways in which $b$ is a subobject of $\mathbb N$ in $C$, but there are no proper subsets of $\mathbb N$ in the image of $U$.

For a more general answer, observe that the existence of a faithful functor into Set is invariant under equivalence of categories. So $U$ can't possibly impose any on-the-nose conditions like yours.

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