Do shifted Chebyshev polynomials form a complete set of independent functions

chebyshev polynomialsorthogonal-polynomials

Do Chebyshev polynomials form a complete set of independent functions? If yes, what can we say about their shifted versions? E.g. shifted Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are defined as
or other possible shitting like e.g. $T_{n}\left(\frac{x^2}{2}-1\right)$.

Best Answer

I assume that by complete you mean a basis for the set of polynomials.

Yes, the Chebyshev polynomials form a complete set of independent functions. That should be clear considering the recurrence relation. For example, for the first kind, that relation is\begin{align} T_0(x) & = 1\\ T_1(x) & = x\\ &\ \ \vdots\\ T_{n+1}(x) & = 2xT_n - T_{n-1}.\end{align} The degree of polynomial $T_n$ is $n$, so any polynomial can be expressed as a linear combination of the $T_n$, and if $c_0 T_0 +\cdots + c_n T_n = 0$, then each $c_i$ is zero. See also the Wikipedia article.

The same holds for the shift $T^*_n(x) = T_n(2x-1)$ because the degree of $T^*_n$ is still $n$ and the argument above applies.

The shift $T^*_n(x^2/2 - 1)$ generates independent polynomials, but they do not form a basis for the polynomials. For example, all the $T^*_n$ in this case are of even degree, so polynomials of odd degree cannot be formed from a linear combination of the $T^*_n$.