Do normalizers of $p$-subgroups of $S_n$ always grow


Recently I encountered, the 'normalizers grow principle' which gives an equivalent characterization of Nilpotent groups.
Looking at the other 'extreme' case of $S_n$, my question is:

Let $n \geq 4$. Is it true that $N_{S_n}(P) \supsetneq P$ for any Sylow subgroup $P$ of $S_n?$

I have been unable to prove this but this is true in $S_4$. It is easy to show that this is true for $n=p$.

It is true that $S_n$ has non-trivial self-normalizing (for which normalizer doesn't grow) subgroups.

Also it is true that for any group $G$ normalizers of $p$-subgroups which are not Sylow always grow.(This can be shown by the above principle, for example).

Best Answer

It is true if you assume $p > 2$. Here is a sketch for the proof.

A $p$-Sylow of $S_n$ can be constructed as a wreath product $P = C_p \wr \cdots \wr C_p$ of cyclic groups of order $p$. Here the number $C_p$ involved is $k$, where $p^k$ is the largest power of $p$ with $p^k \leq n$.

Consider a wreath product $X \wr Y \leq S_{ab}$ with $X \leq S_a$, $Y \leq S_b$. If $Y \trianglelefteq Z$, then $X \wr Y \trianglelefteq X \wr Z$.

Thus because $C_p$ is not self-normalizing in $S_p$ for $p > 2$, conclude that a $p$-Sylow of $S_n$ is not self-normalizing for $p > 2$.

In the case where $p = 2$, you can prove that a $2$-Sylow of $S_n$ is self-normalizing. See for example here.

The idea is that you can first show that the normalizer of $P = (C_2 \wr \cdots \wr C_2) \wr C_2$ must normalize the base of the wreath product. Then $N_G(P) = X \wr C_2$ for some $X$ normalizing $(C_2 \wr \cdots \wr C_2)$, so by induction $N_G(P) = P$.