Do I need knowledge of continuous functions in order to rigorously determine that $\lim_{x \to \infty}\sin(x)$ does not exist


In problem 33 iv Chapter 5 of Spivak's Calculus, there is a comment in the solution manual that (in essence) remarks $\lim_{x \to \infty} \sin x$ does not exist.

I wanted to see if I could prove this statement by negating the formal definition of $\lim_{x \to \infty}f(x)=L \iff \exists L \in \mathbb R \Big [ \forall \epsilon \gt 0 \ \exists N \in \mathbb R \text { s.t. } \forall x \in \mathbb R \big ( x \gt N \rightarrow \lvert f(x) – L \rvert \lt \epsilon \big ) \Big ]$

i.e. I wanted to write a proof that:

$\forall L \in \mathbb R \Big [\exists \epsilon \gt 0 \text{ s.t. } \forall N \in \mathbb R \ \exists x \in \mathbb R \text{ s.t. }\big (x \gt N \land \lvert \sin(x) – L \rvert \geq \epsilon \big) \Big]$

I'll write what I have so far and highlight the missing piece that I am finding difficult to navigate around. As an "FYI" for those unfamiliar with Spivak's Calculus, the subject of Continuous Functions is not found until chapter 6, and I suspect that my issue arises from trig functions being more…"tackle-able"…once continuity is rigorously defined.

Relevant Lemma: $\lvert \sin(x) \rvert \leq 1 \quad$ (I do not believe this statement, in and of itself, requires knowledge of continuous functions)

Consider two cases: $\lvert L \rvert \gt 1$ or $\lvert L \rvert \leq 1$.

Case 1: Note that $\lvert L \rvert \gt 1 \implies \frac{\lvert L \rvert -1}{2}\gt 0$

Let $0 \lt\epsilon \lt \frac{\lvert L \rvert -1}{2}$ . Therefore $-\epsilon \gt \frac{1-\lvert L \rvert}{2}$. From which it follows:

$$ \lvert L \rvert – \epsilon \gt \frac{2 \lvert L \rvert +1 – \lvert L \rvert}{2}=\frac{\lvert L \rvert +1}{2}\gt 1$$

By our lemma, we then have:

$$\lvert L\rvert – \epsilon \gt 1 \geq \lvert \sin(x) \rvert$$.


$$ \lvert L \rvert \gt 1 + \epsilon \geq \lvert \sin(x) \rvert + \epsilon$$
$$ \lvert L \rvert – \lvert \sin(x) \rvert \gt \epsilon$$

Invoking one of the triangle inequality variants, we finally have:

$$ \lvert \sin(x) – L \rvert = \lvert L – \sin(x) \rvert \geq \lvert L \rvert – \lvert \sin(x) \rvert \gt \epsilon$$

Note that $\forall x \in \mathbb R$, the above statement is true. Therefore, any $N \in \mathbb R$ can be chosen and one can always find an $x \gt N$, for which the desired criteria is met.

Case 2: $\lvert L \rvert \leq 1$

Consider an $\epsilon \lt \frac{1}{2}$. For example, $\epsilon = \frac{1}{4}$

Here is where I am basically stumped in the absence of knowing anything about continuous functions. My hunch is that because $\lvert L \rvert \leq 1$, I can effectively assert that $\exists c \in \mathbb R \big [ \sin(c) = L \big ]$.

Now, invoking the same triangle inequality variant as before, we know that:

$$ \lvert \sin(c) – \sin(x) \rvert \geq \lvert \sin(c) \rvert – \lvert \sin(x) \rvert $$

So if I can show that: $\exists x \in \mathbb R \big [\lvert \sin(c) \rvert – \lvert \sin(x) \rvert \gt \frac{1}{4} \big ]$, we are good to go. Once again, I assume that I need some notion of continuous functions in order to prove this.

More generally, in order to apply this argument to any $N \in \mathbb R$, I would like to prove the slightly more refined:

$$ \exists x \in [c – \pi, c + \pi] \text{ s.t. } \Big ( \lvert \sin(c) \rvert – \lvert \sin(x) \rvert \gt \frac{1}{4} \Big )$$

(noting the $c$ value that produces $\sin(c)=L$ can be replaced by $c+2\pi n$ for any any integer $n$).

If there is a method to circumvent continuous functions, I would greatly appreciate the insight!

Thank you!

Best Answer

i.e. I wanted to write a proof that:

$$\forall L \in \mathbb R \Big [\exists \epsilon \gt 0 \text{ s.t. } \forall N \in \mathbb R \ \exists x \in \mathbb R \text{ s.t. }\big (x \gt N \land \lvert \sin(x) - L \rvert \geq \epsilon \big) \Big]$$

We can do this using $\varepsilon = \frac{1}{2}$.

Case 1: $L > 0$

Here for any $N$ we can always find $x > N$ of the form $x = \frac{3\pi}{2} + 2k\pi$ where $k \in \mathbb{N}$.

For such $x$ we have

$$\sin x = -1.$$

Since $L > 0$ we have \begin{align} |\sin x - L|&= |-1 - L| \\ & = 1 + L \\ & > \frac{1}{2} \end{align}

Case 2 $L < 0$

This case is nearly identical to the case for $L > 0$.

For any $N$ we can always find $x > N$ of the form $x = \frac{\pi}{2} + 2k\pi$ where $k \in \mathbb{N}$.

For such $x$ we have

$$\sin x = 1.$$

Since $L < 0$ we have \begin{align} |\sin x - L|&= |1 - L| \\ & = 1 + |L| \\ & > \frac{1}{2} \end{align}

Case 3 $L = 0$

This case can be dealt with immediately by re-using either of the $x$ from the previous two cases:

If $x = \frac{\pi}{2} + 2k\pi$, then

\begin{align} |\sin x - L|&= |1 - 0| \\ & = 1 \\ & > \frac{1}{2} \end{align}

Of course, this all depends on knowing the behavior of $\sin$: that $\sin$ wavers between $1$ and $-1$ "forever" and so on. Given this behavior, one would expect intuitively that the limit doesn't exist, i.e. $\sin x$ wouldn't "settle" upon some single value for large $x$.

Later in the book Spivak defines the trigonometric functions formally in a way that conforms with the geometric/unit circle versions with which you are probably already familiar. Continuity plays a big part in these later definitions.

Here though, the main thing is just the periodic nature of $\sin$.

Finally, you may be somewhat leery of statements like:

...for any $N$ we can always find $x > N$ of the form $x = \frac{3\pi}{2} + 2k\pi$ where $k \in \mathbb{N}$.

This has at its heart the idea that given any real number $N$ we can find a natural number $n$ with $n > N$. This fact is employed in a few places early on in the text, but isn't formally proven until Chapter 8 (3rd Ed.) "Least Upper Bounds".

Spivak cops to this "cheating" at the end of that chapter.

(As an aside, an earlier problem in Chapter 5, 5-12 gives a very useful result:

If $f(x) \leq g(x)$ for all $x$ (or even just for all $x$ in a neighborhood of $a$) then $\lim_{x\to a} f(x) \leq \lim_{x\to a} g(x)$, provided these limits exist.

This can be shown to hold if we replace $a$ with $\infty$.

This, combined with your lemma that $|\sin x| \leq 1$ can be used to rule out your Case 1, i.e. since $-1 \leq \sin x \leq 1$ we must also have $-1 \leq \lim_{x \to \infty}\sin x \leq 1$, if that limit exists.)