“Divisors” vs “factors”


Is there a difference between divisors and factors? Are they the same or are there differences?

Example: Find the factors and divisors of 18.

What I have found is answers that contradict each other:

Factors don't include one and the number itself. So for the example that would be 2,3,6 and 9
Divisors do include them. So for the example that would be: 1,2,3,6,9 and 18

There is no difference between factors and divisors. So for the example 1,2,3,6,9 and 18 would all be divisors and factors.

Someone also replies there that a divisor can be any number (even with a non zero remainder). In that case 5 could also be a divisor of 18 (with a remainder).

Best Answer

The answer is in the comment of Lonza Leggiera and can be found in the following wolfram entries:



Proper divisor

Proper factor

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