“distributive property” vs. “ring homomorphism”: comparing definitions


The property of distributivity is defined using expressions like the following, from page one of "Introduction to Commutative Algebra" by Atiyah and MacDonald:

$$x(y + z) = xy + xz$$
$$(y + z)x = yx + zx.$$

On the other hand, homomorphisms are defined using expressions like the following, from the definition of ring homomorphism on page two of Atiyah-MacDonald:

$$f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)$$

These expressions obviously bear some resemblance to one another, when viewed simply as strings of characters, but does this observation lead to any interesting examples or generalizations? Can the definitions be restated so as to have one subsuming the other?

Best Answer

This is a good observation. The key here is that we want multiplication and our homomorphisms to be compatible with our addition operation. When we study groups, we have a set $G$ equipped with a single binary operation $G\times G\to G$ satisfying elementary properties: associativity, existence of inverses, and existence of an identity element. When we study rings $A$, we have two operations $+$ and $\times$, namely addition and multiplication. Usually $(A,+,\times)$ is required to be an Abelian group under $+$ and a (often commutative) monoid under $\times$ (inverses might not exist under multiplication, but the other properties of a group are respected).

The natural question remains: how should the operations interact with each other? If there is no interaction between the multiplicative and additive structures of the ring, we might as well separately study $(A,+)$ and $(A,\times)$ as an Abelian group and a monoid, respectively. So, we require that $\times$ "preserve" the group structure of $(A,+)$. A sensible interpretation of this is the following: the map $\phi: A\times A\to A$ given by $(x,y)\mapsto x\times y$ should be "like a homomorphism of $(A,+)$ to itself." With suitable modification, it is. If we fix $x$, then the map $$ \phi_x:(A,+)\to (A,+)$$ has $$ \phi_x(y+z)=\phi(x,y+z)=x(y+z)=xy+xz=\phi_x(y)+\phi_x(z)$$ and if we fix $y$, the map $$ \phi^y:(A,+)\to (A,+)$$ has $$ \phi^y(x+z)=\phi(x+z,y)=(x+z)y=xy+zy=\phi^y(x)+\phi^y(z).$$ So we have a pair of group homomorphisms associated with right and left multiplication.