Distributing candies to children


part (a) In how many ways can I distribute $6$ identical gummy bears and $6$ identical chocolates to $4$ students, if each student must receive exactly $3$ pieces of candy?

part (b) In how many ways can I distribute $6$ identical gummy bears and $6$ identical chocolates to $4$ students, if each student must receive at least $1$ of each type of candy?

What I've done so far (part a):
There are a total of 12 candies and the type of candy doesn't matter. Since there are $4$ children, there are 12 Choose 4 ways for each student to receive $3$ pieces of candy. I'm not sure if what I'm doing is correct since we are supposed to use distributions.

For part (b), I tried to use casework to find the number of ways for each type of candy, but I wasn't able to get an answer.

Best Answer

First, "12 Choose 4 ways for each student to receive 3 pieces of candy."

Not at all. If each piece of candy were distinct there would be ${12\choose 3}$ ways for the first child to choose 3 pieces of candy. Then there would be ${9\choose 3}$ ways for the second, etc.

or ${12\choose 3,3,3,3} = \frac {12!}{3!3!3!3!}$

But that is not the problem you have.

I think the easier thing to do is to allocate chocolates, and then assign children to them.

Some child must receive at least 2 chocolates. Putting the chocolate allocations in order from greatest to least, we get


are the possible allocations of chocolates.

The gummy bears will be allocated in a complimentary fashion.

Now how to assign children?

How many children receive the same number of chocolates? That makes the denominator for each case.

Case 1. $\frac {4!}{2!2!} = 6$

Case 2. $\frac {4!}{1!1!1!1} = 4! = 24$

Case 3. $\frac {4!}{1!3!} = 4! = 4$

Case 4. $\frac {4!}{3!1!} = 4$

Case 5. $\frac {4!}{2!2!} = 6$

$6+24 +4+ 4 +6 = 44$

Part b) you only have two cases to consider.