Distinctness of semidirect products


We have two groups $X$ and $Y$ of prime order, when is semidirect product defined from different homomorphism to the automorphism group same?

I have read When are two semidirect products isomorphic?
but it may be easier to determine when the order of the groups are primes.

My try
I don't see why can they be isomorphic. We have two distinct homomorphisms and therefore $1$ maps to distinct automorphisms of $H$. For semidirect products to be same, image of $1$ should be the same automorphism, by the way we define product in the external semidirect product.

Please help.

Best Answer

Here's an example that might help: Let $X$ have order $7$ and $Y$ have order $3$. These groups are cyclic; write $x$ for a generator of $X$ and $y$ for a generator of $Y$. Let $\phi\colon X \to X$ and $\psi\colon X \to X$ be the automorphisms $\phi(x) = x^2$, and $\psi(x) = x^4$.

Notice that $\phi^3(x) = x^{2^3} = x^8 = x$, and $\psi^3(x) = x^{4^3} = x^{64} = x$, so as automorphisms of $X$, $\phi$ and $\psi$ each have order three.

I claim that $X\rtimes_\phi Y \cong X\rtimes_\psi Y$. Indeed, (abusing notation slightly) $X\rtimes_\phi Y$ and $X\rtimes_\psi Y$ are generated by $x$ and $y$, so to specify a homomorphism, I just need to tell you where $x$ and $y$ go, and then check that the map I've written down indeed defines a homomorphism. I claim that the map $x \mapsto x$, $y \mapsto y^{-1}$ is such a homomorphism and moreover that it is an isomorphism. I'll leave it to you to check this.

So if the answer has to be "sometimes" and not "never," maybe we should reconsider what should be true based on this example. Aut$(X)$ is generated by $x \mapsto x^3$. There is an automorphism of Aut$(X)$ that sends the automorphism $x \mapsto x^3$ to the automorphism $x \mapsto x^5$. Under this automorphism of Aut$(X)$, $\phi$ is mapped to $\psi$.

So some questions to investigate: if we have $\phi$ and $\psi$ in Aut$(X)$, will it be the case that $X\rtimes_\phi Y\cong X\rtimes_\psi Y$ whenever there is some automorphism $f\colon$ Aut$(X) \to $ Aut$(X)$ such that $f(\phi) = \psi$? Is this the only condition?

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