Group Theory – Distinct Characters, Outer Automorphisms, and Galois Conjugation


Given an (irreducible complex) character of a finite group the following three construction all yield another irreducible character of the same degree:

  1. multiplying by a degree 1 character
  2. applying an outer automorphism
  3. taking a Galois conjugate

Note that 2) and 3) never change the set of character values, they just permute the list.

The degree five characters of $ A_6 $ are not Galois conjugate but are related by an outer automorphism. The two degree $ 16 $ characters of $ M_{11} $ are not related by an outer automorphism but are Galois conjugate.

What is an example of a finite group $ G $ and two distinct irreducible characters of $ G $ which have the same character values but are not related by any combination of the three constructions given above?

This is in some sense a follow up question to

Same character values iff related by outer automorphism, for perfect groups

Best Answer

Take $G = S_3 \times S_4$ and consider the unique two-dimensional irreducible representation of $S_3$ and the unique two-dimensional irreducible representation of $S_4$. These have the same character values $2,0,-1$ (in fact they are both pullbacks of the same representation under two different homomorphisms $S_4 \to S_3$ ) but are not related by any combination of the operations.

Galois conjugation is irrelevant since the characters are rational. Twisting by one-dimensional characters can only twist by quadratic characters and doesn't affect the value on order $3$ elements - i.e. $3$-cycles in $S_3$, $3$-cycles in $S_4$, or products of $3$-cycles in both $S_3$ and $S_4$. So it remains to consider outer automorphisms, which would have to permute these three conjugacy classes. But no outer automorphism can since their centralizers have different orders: $3 \cdot 24, 6 \cdot 3,$ and $3 \cdot 3$ respectively.

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